Fella's, it's been a long time since I have taken the time to write something to enlighten you and or help encourage you. My topic for this time of the season is Do you feel respected by those who say they love you or do you feel disrespected by those that say they love you in almost every area of your lives with them.

The bible tells us that when a man finds a wife, he find himself a good thing. What makes her a good thing. Is it that she can finish up your sentences, or maybe she knows what you want even before you make your request known, maybe it's her knowing when your back hurts and she gives you that woman's touch without you asking. Well what ever makes her your good thing is not complete without her respect for you as not just a man but also as her husband.

Women feel special when their man protects them from the things that are set out to hurt them. We as warriors do our job by not letting people disrespect them no matter who they are. We want them to know that no matter what, we have their backs. But tell me this one thing. Is it respect or disrespect when the one that you love allows those who are close to them to do whatever, say whatever and treat you whatever kind of way without protecting you? Would it be disrespect if as a man feeling disrespected that we pull a nutty and began going off on folks? Does a man deserve to have the same kind of honor and respect as he gives to his woman? I am just talking about respect and disrespect.

Most men don't have must patience when it comes to others tip toeing through their relationship sprinkling that spoiled fertilizer that has no strength to grow nothing put division between you and your mate...is a man wrong if he gets upset and wants to lash out? Is it respectful or disrespectful for you mate to give conditional protection on your behalf as long as it not from someone who means a lot to them...when the bible says that after that man finds that good thing that he is to leave from his mother and father and cleave to his wife but I do believe that statement was meant for both man and woman...So what are the grounds for respect and what are the pictures of disrespect? Is it disrespectful if a person does not feel like they are respected in their own home and at times feels better when they are not home that when they are home?
Is communication a two way street or has it been changed to one way only? Is feeling disrespected something that should go unspoken or should the one who you love be made aware of it? These are question that most people have mostly men....What are the terms of respect and what are the boundaries to disrespect? Don't allow these question to cause you to ponder upon this to much but make sure that you understand where you stand in someone's life so that you can identify if it's respectful or disrespectful....a man feeling disrespected is worse then a bear that has not eaten in a while. To all of my fella's if no one wants to respect you, don't you neglect respecting yourself. Letz Keep It Real...itz the only way...one love beloved. Stay on the battle field for the Lord cause He will never leaving you feeling disrespected...