Hello to all of my dear brother in Christ. Let's talk for just a few minutes. We are living in some tough times right now and the way we handle things will determine just how we will come through them. During a time when jobs are hard to come by, money appears to be foreign to us, bills seem to double and everyone has a need that needs to be met, we as men are looked upon for answers to ease the minds of our families. We often times don't have the answers but when we are in Christ Jesus, we take it to the throne of grace and leave it in the hands of the Lord. In our struggle, God is looking for men who will pray more, men who will stay in their word, men who will allow God to encourage them that they my encourage others, men who will
trust in the Lord with all of their heart and lean not into their own understanding but in all of their ways acknowledge Him and He will direct their path (Prov. 3:5-6), men who will push past their own ability and into the presence of God so that in Him you can be strong, men who will continue to hold on to God's unchanging hand, men who will allow God to have His way no matter what you must sacrifice and men who will lead their families in the path of righteousness, showing their sons how to stand in the midst of adversity and being strong even when you want to throw in the towel. God is still on the throne and He is still in the blessing business. There is no problem to big or to small for God to solve. Don't let your current situation cause trouble in your home. Stand and chase the enemy out of your home and away from your circumstance. We are often tried and tested but in God we will past the test and receive our promotion. God did not bring us this far to leave us or forsake us. Let's keep our eyes on Him and our outcome and not focus so much on the now.
"If we give our situation to the situator, we will find that our situation is already situated!" God holds the answers and solutions to all of our problems and troubles. Our job is to keep trusting Him, press toward the mark, don't doubt it out, shout it out, activate our faith and don't allow the enemy to see us sweat. Remember,
all things work together for the good of those who love the Lord (Romans 8:28). The enemy will only mess with you when you are on the right track. When you are doing what thus says the Lord, the enemy knows that you are a threat to his kingdom. Rejoice anyway knowing that
if God be for you, who can be against you (Romans 8:31)? Be content where you are and listen to God and learn what He is teaching in your process. Remember, the bigger the trial, the bigger the blessing after the trial....I am so glad that trouble don't last always. God may not come when you want Him, but He is always right on time. Be that man that will so that God can do just what He does best, love and takes great care of us.
Be blessed brotha's and know that I am standing and praying with and for all of us......
Just a thought and some encourage from the Desk of The Pastor.....Keeping It Real.....Man 2 Man.....